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- The Crypto Insider #3 Util de stiut: Tipuri de cryptomonede
The Crypto Insider #3 Util de stiut: Tipuri de cryptomonede
Incepand de astazi rubrica de stiri o vom avea in parteneriat cu prietenii nostri de la cryptonita.ro, un site fain si relaxat despre big picture news, misto de citit pentru a fi la curent cu ce se mai intampla in this crazy crypto world.
Scena crypto a plecat de la un singur jucator: BTC. Ulterior, profitand de flexibilitatea tehnologiei blockchain, lucrurile “au luat-o razna” si au aparut numeroase proiecte ce au adus cu ele si noi utilitati. Pentru cei care sunt mai la inceput, cred ca e utila o scurta trecere in revista.
Actorii din scena:
BTC and other POW ( proof-of-work) currencies ( bitcoin has a 90% market dominance)
Smart contract platforms - ETH & friends ( ETH are 70% dominance)
Crypto dollars - stablecoins ( Tether are 75% dominance)
DeFi tokens
Pegged & synthetic assets
Web3/NFT assets
Din prima categorie, jucatorii demni de a fi mentionati sunt Monero ( cu o tehnologie interesanta pentru a oferi complete privacy), Litecoin ( big marketcap dar fara a avea o utilitate foarte clara sau vreun unghi unic) + monedele ce stau la baza exchangeurilor ( BNB - Binance- sau OKB-Okex), acestea fiind utilizate pentru a plati fees-urile tranzactiilor pe care utilizatorii le fac.
A doua categorie e destul de populata si exista mai multe proiecte care fac zgomot, fara insa a pune in pericol suprematia Ethereumului. Polkadot, Cardano, Cosmos sau Elrond de abia incep sa isi puna bazele propriilor ecosysteme si nu sunt nici macar aproape de network effect-ul generat de miile de programatori care sunt in spatele proiectelor construite pe Ethereum.
Stablecoins sunt cryptomonedele care au ca echivalenta $1. Sunt practic imaginea unui dolar in lumea crypto fiind des utilizate intrucat ofera flexibilitate tranzactionala. Dincolo de Tether ( USDT), big players mai sunt USDC, DAI si BUSD.
DeFi is the new sexy standard astfel ca tot mai multi au fugit dupa eticheta de “DeFi project”. In realitate nu sunt foarte multe produse functionale, dar cele cateva au acumulat deja billions in liquidity. Ma refer aici la lending platforms precum Maker sau AAVE sau Automated Market Makers ( AMM ) ca UNI sau Balancer. Proiecte intesante pentru intreaga infrastructura ( fiind in realitate un soi de APIs) sunt si cele care vin sub eticheta de “oracles” precum ChainLink sau Band Protocol.
In timp ce synthetic assets sunt ceva mai tehnice si mai greu de inteles, non-fungible tokens ( NFTs) sunt mai comestibile si se refera la digital art and collectibles. Le poti vedea si te poti juca cu ele pe masura ce VR & AR incep sa castige tot mai mult teren. Aceste noi gaming worlds vor genera economii virtuale care vor trebui sa fie powered by something.
In articolele viitoare vom avea posibilitatea sa discutam mai pe larg despre fiecare in parte.
This being said…
Crypto is wild and bitcoin is the best bet for most of the people. Stay safe.
Razvan’s macro2c:
Cele mai bine platite job-uri pentru programatori sunt acum in industria crypto. Pe viitor, specialistii din diferite zone ( media sau marketing ca sa enumar doua) care vor veni spre aceasta nisa vor beneficia de acelasi avantaj. Asemenea tehnologiei care e facuta pentru a ramane si pentru a-si pune amprenta definitiv asupra omenirii, crypto & blockchain va genera o larga plaja de oportunitati devenind astfel un vehicol al meritocratiei. Asa cum robotii vor inlocui functionarii care nu fac activitati esentiale, la fel, oamenii ce se vor educa in domeniul crypto vor ridica stacheta in tot mai multe domenii conexe precum banking-ul sau financial advisoring-ul.
Coming soon: The Altcoin Pulse
Ce ne-a placut: Articolul lui Anthony Pompliano despre modul in care minerii isi ajusteaza approach-ul pentru a deveni mai profitabili utilizand clean energy.
Great American Mining, and many other companies around the world, are racing to help the greatest methane emitters to capture the negative side effects of their work and turn it into the soundest money the world has ever seen. Bitcoin isn’t bad for the environment.
In fact, Bitcoin is very, very good for the environment. The University of Cambridge reported at over 75% of miners use renewable energy and now there are solutions to turn methane emissions into mining as well. It is important to think for yourself during a paradigm shift. Many people from the legacy world will constantly share information that is built on outdated mental frameworks. They can’t fathom the future. Always do your own research.
Question everything, including what is written in this letter each morning. You are responsible for educating yourself and forming your own opinion. I’ve done the work on Bitcoin mining and the energy sources used. My conclusion has me more excited about the future of the Bitcoin network. More miners. More hash rate. More decentralization. And ultimately, more value.
Available for paid subscribers:
What made us think: Bitcoinul a ajunge ( incet dar sigur ) sa fie considerat “common sense” pe Wall Street. Trecerea de la “a contrarian idea” la must-have in portofoliul celor mai multe fonduri ( de curand si-a anuntat intrarea in joc si BlackRock, cel mai mare asset manager din lume) s-a facut aproape pe nesimtite pentru cryptomaniaci. Cateva din headlinesurile pe care le-am vazut along the way:
Paul Tudor Jones called it “the fastest horse”;
Stanley Druckenmiller said “the bitcoin bet will probably work better” than gold;
Chamath Palihapitiya thinks “everyone should have 1% of their assets in bitcoin”;
Bill Miller “strongly recommended” investors get exposure if they didn’t yet own bitcoin;
JPMorgan wrote that family offices “may be looking at bitcoin as an alternative to gold”;
Raoul Pal says “Bitcoin is a supermassive black hole”
Cryptobook of the week: Mastering Bitcoin. Andreas Antonopoulos e probabil cel mai articulat crypto educator iar Mastering Bitcoin e o buna lectura pentru cei care sunt la inceput de drum.
Romanian exchange that we recommend:LDV Exchange
Youtube Channel that we recommend: Lark Davies
Interesting Headlines
NFTsurile vor fi un subiect hot in lunile si anii ce vin. Dupa ce NFT-ul cu Vitalik a fost vandut cu 260 ETH, un nou digital art isi gaseste client pentru o suma considerabila -
Cand bancile scuipau in san cand auzeau de bitcoin, altii erau atenti. Cei din urma vor fi profitabili si vor ramane in jos, primii vor ajusta cand deja trenul oportunitatii a parasit statia:
Vorbeam recent de politicieni cretini care primesc informari cu jumatati de adevar in ceea ce priveste industria crypto. “In 2019, criminal activity represented 2.1% of all cryptocurrency transaction volume, or roughly $21.4 billion worth of transfers. In 2020, the criminal share of all cryptocurrency activity fell to just 0.34%, or $10.0 billion in transaction volume. One reason the percentage of criminal activity fell is because overall economic activity nearly tripled between 2019 and 2020.”